
MSRDP Ch.3 Deleted Scenes

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Literature Text

(By this point, Guy has found out that the restaurant owners are actually the BBR and Thomas, Joel and Sonny briefly interrupted the fight, only to head back to Joel’s car.)




(In the restaurant, BBR 2 has his mouth clamped around Guy’s head and his spinning him around the room.  Guy still has his feet on the ground though, so he’s stumbling along the ground as he follows his own head, rather than being hurled through the air.  Rather than standing on his feet, BBR2 has turned the lower half of his body into a black puddle stem, allowing him to spin in 360 degrees without tripping, etc.)



This isn’t good.



Aside from the fact that I have alien spit all my clean clothes, these guys are a solid team.


(In mid-swing, BBR2 releases Guy, sending him stumbling.)



One of them comes at me with a distraction and then his partner moves in for the kill.  It’s a good pattern, but even they have their flaws.


(As Guy stumbles forward, BBR1 charges him, ready to slash.)


(Guy rolls forward on the ground, tripping BBR1.)



They always attack one immediately after the other.  Since they don’t switch their timing up, I always know when the next attack is coming.


(Guy grabs a painting off the wall in between two tables.  There is a bus cart with dishes on it near Guy, but only in the background.)



Unfortunately, that’s the only advantage I have.


(Guy swings the painting at BBR1, who is getting up to his hands and knees.  BBR1 extends a bunch of spikes from his back, tearing the painting before it reaches him.  The tattered remains of the painting remain on the floor for the rest of the issue.)



These guys are made of liquid.



Not only can they shape-shift, but every hit I land on them doesn’t hurt them at all.



Like I said, this isn’t good.


SFX (painting tearing)



(BBR1 gets back to his feet as BBR2 rejoins him.  BBR2 still has his lower body as a black puddle stem, so he’s slithering over to BBR1 like a Naga.)



Fighting’s not so easy when your victims stand a chance, is it?


(Guy clenches his fist as he argues with the off-screen BBR.  He is standing closer to the bus cart from before.)



You’re one to talk!  I’m going to destroy you for attacking these innocent people!


(The BBR’s cross their arms smugly.  BBR2 is returning his lower body to normal legs.)



The assassin’s lecturing us?  Ha!  That’s a good one!


(Guy reaches to the bus cart next to him.  He throws some of its plates at the offscreen BBR.)



Call me what you want, but I know what you are!


(With no more plates on top, Guy pushes the bus cart at the offscreen BBR.)



You attack innocent people like it’s a game!  You’re just like the other villains I fought!


(BBR1 walks toward the “camera” with his claws ready to attack.  BBR2 follows from the rear with a pile of plates caught in his mouth.  A plate or two can be seen breaking on the floor and wall behind the BBR.)



You think we enjoy doing this!?


SFX (plates breaking in the background)


(BBR1 slashes through the bus cart as he continues advancing toward the “camera.”  BBR2 chomps through all of the plates in his mouth.  The sliced-up bus cart and broken dishes are on the floor for the rest of the issue.)


We didn’t join this war ‘cause we wanted to.  Beta drafted us!  Stole us from our homes!  OUR LIVES!


SFX (slashing buscart)



SFX (crunching plates)



(Guy slides between BBR1’s legs as he advances to him.  BBR1 tries to slash him with his claws but hits nothing.)



To make us into weapons, he experimented on our bodies!





(As Guy gets behind BBR1, BBR1 grows some tentacles out of his back and grabs Guy’s arms and legs with them, keeping him trapped.  BBR1 doesn’t turn around, just looks over his shoulder at Guy.)



The last one was the worst…He sucked out our lifeforce!  ALL OF IT!


(BBR2 walks toward the “camera.”  He has his hands up like most Scooby-Doo monsters do, but his hands are starting to turn to ooze.  He’s getting ready to strangle Guy.)



Without lifeforce, we just became dead goo.  Beta’s experiments let us manipulate our goo to shapeshift, turn into puddles and other things…


(His hands now completely ooze, BBR2 strangles Guy.)



But it also means we’re constantly decomposing!



Without lifeforce to hold us together, we’re going to die!





(Guy tilts his head up, reflecting light off of his helmet.  The light gets in BBR2’s eyes and causes him to let go as he flinches.)



So you kill innocent people just to save yourselves?  Or did you get addicted to the lifeforce and just won’t stop now!?





(BBR1 throws Guy toward the wall in front of him with his back-tentacles.)



Wrong again!


(Guy lands his feet on the wall between two tables and digs his fingers into the wall to catch himself rather than crash into the wall.  He looks over his shoulder back at the offscreen BBR.)


Offscreen BBR

We only take a little bit of lifeforce from each person.  One dose is nothing, but a little bit from everybody can keep us stable for months.


Offscreen BBR

And lifeforce is like blood.  It grows back as long as you don’t take the whole supply like Beta did.  When they wake up, they just get a headache and forget what they were doing.


SFX (Guy stabbing into the wall)



(The BBR both shoot one arm or tentacle out at the offscreen Guy.)



But while we’re pointing fingers, let’s look at you!



We only knock a few people out to survive.


(The arms/tentacles wrap around Guy and pull him off the wall.)



But you’ve already killed two people just because somebody told you to!


(Guy’s on the ground, struggling to free himself and getting dragged in toward the offscreen BBR.  The BBR can be seen in the reflection on his helmet, BBR2 with his mouth wide open and lashing his tongue about.)







(The scene of Thomas, Sonny and Joel rummaging through his car.)




(In the restaurant, BBR2 has Guy in a Full Nelson.  BBR2 has a big, toothy grin on his face.)



I don’t get it…



These guys are as shallow and evil as Gaga and Bieber…And their names are just as stupid.  Why can’t I beat them?


(BBR1 shoots his arm forward for a stretch-punch.  His hand is enlarged for extra power.)



And what are they talking about with assassins and villains?



Are they saying Thomas and I have—GAH!  They’re playing mind games! 


(BBR1’s fist crashes into Guy’s body.  Guy goes flying back from the punch, BBR2 splashing into a liquid as Guy flies through him.)



Gotta focus on the fight or they’ll kill me! 





SFX (impact of the punch)



(Waist-up shot of Guy as he crashes onto the floor.  He looks as dazed as one can look dazed with his helmet on.)



Of course…it wouldn’t hurt if they lost focus.



Yeah.  These guys like to talk.  Let them talk.


(Guy sits up, lightly holding his chest where he was punched.)



You said…hng…that Beta created you guys.  How do I know you’re not still working for him?


(His lower body a puddle sliding across the ground, BBR1 uses his upper body to come up to Guy with his arm outstretched.  Guy saw it coming and rolled backwards, so BBR1’s claws stab harmlessly into the ground.)



I think I’m getting to him.  I saw that attack coming from a mile away.


BBR1 (shouting)



SFX (BBR1’s claws stabbing the ground)



(Guy jumps over BBR1 as he tries to pull his claws out of the floor.  BBR1’s lower body has resumed humanoid form.)


Offscreen BBR2

If you have to know, we never did a mission for him.  We ran away from him the first chance we got!


(Guy runs toward BBR2.)



We knew he’d come looking for us, so we’ve been laying low and moving from town-to-town.  Should have known Technologic would come looking for us too!


(BBR2 tries to bite Guy [only his mouth gets big, the rest of him stays normal], but Guy slides underneath his attack, toward BBR2’s torso.)


SFX (BBR2 biting)



(Guy punches BBR2 in the gut.)



It’s working!  If I keep them talking, they won’t be able to concentrate on hitting me!


SFX (Guy punching BBR2)



(Guy tries to pull his hand out of BBR2’s gooey body.  His fist is stuck like the first time he tried to punch them.)



Of course, I still can’t hurt them…


(BBR2 shoots a big, long blob of ooze out of his chest, pushing Guy away.)



You cost us enough time!





(BBR1 punches at the off-screen Guy and BBR2 with an arm and fist as big and long as the blob coming from BBR2.)



We’ve got lifeforce to eat!


(BBR1’s fist and BBR2’s ooze collide, crushing Guy between them.)





SFX (fist and ooze colliding)



(As Guy falls to the ground, BBR2 starts turning into a puddle and making his way toward Guy.  Guy is too dazed to move.)



Hate to be rude, but we’re in a rush.


(BBR2 is completely oozed all over Guy, leaving only Guy’s head exposed.  His head stretches out on a neck and dangles over Guy’s face.)



So now…


(Close-up of Guy staring face-to-face with BBR2.  BBR2 has his mouth open with his tongue hanging out and drool dripping down onto Guy’s face.)



You don’t even have 31 Seconds To Die!


(Inside BBR2’s goo, the bracelet on Guy’s arm glows.)


(Close-up of Guy’s bracelet.  It reads, “Upgrade.SWF: 100%”


Bracelet (audio message)

Upgrade Upload complete.  Installing Gold Buster.


(BBR2 oozed out all over Guy.  Guy and BBR2 look at Guy’s hand confusedly.  The area where Guy’s hand would be is emitting a bright white glow, shining through BBR2’s ooze.)



Did your hand just tal—


(Same scene, but a big, white laser blasts through BBR2, splattering a hole in his body.  BBR2 screams in pain.  Guy looks quietly surprised.)


BBR2 (shouting)



SFX (laser)



(Guy sits up through BBR2, who now just melts and slides away like a thin liquid.  Guy looks at his Gold Buster, the barrel still smoking from the blast.)



Oh yeah…Forgot all about this.



And it actually works.  Thanks, Technologic.


--------------------------------------------- (not a real scene break, just a place to pause if you want)


(BBR1 charges Guy.  BBR1 is surprised and furious by Guy’s attack.)


BBR1 (shouting)



(Over-the-shoulder shot of BBR1 charging Guy.  Guy is still sitting and casually shoots his gun at BBR1.  A single white laser blast hits BBR1 on the shoulder, surprising him and knocking him back.)








SFX (laser)



(BBR2 reforming on the ground.  He’s midway between puddle and humanoid form, but mostly humanoid by this point.  He’s on his hands and knees and huffing&puffing in pain.  His Venom mouth is gone, back to a smooth Spider-Venom mask/mouth.  In the background, Guy stands up to his feet.  Guy’s movements are a little awkward because he has no arms to prop himself up with.)



Gaah…That hurt…Wait, it hurt?  But how?


(Seen from the front, BBR2 is up on just his knees now.  He’s looking at a hole in the center of his chest.  He looks surprised and confused [Spider-Man’s mask has expressive eyes].)




(period is intentional; see TV Tropes’ Flat What)



The hole…it’s supposed to fill itself in!  It always fills itself in!


(BBR2 struggles as he closes his chest hole.  The hole in his chest is slowly closing back up.)


BBR2 (wavy voice bubble to indicate strain)

It’s…never…been this…hard!


BBR2 (wavy)



(BBR1 stands up, his shoulder healing just as slowly as BBR2’s chest.)



Grrrr…What’s up with my arm?



Whatever.  I’m still gonna kill you.


(Guy looks at his Gold Buster.  His arm is bent at the elbow so that the Buster is more or less eye-level with him.  His Blaster is pretty much “uncocked” by gun standards.)



That was close…And easy.  This gun’s so light and it seems to shoot whenever I think it.  No trigger or ammo.



Maybe I can finally turn this fight around.


(BBR1 crawls up the wall, toward the ceiling like Spider-Man.  His lower body has turned into that of a slim spider, giving him six extra legs to climb with.)



You got a gun, so what?  You can’t hit a moving target!


SFX (BBR1 crawling)

Tik Tik Tik Tik


(Guy shoots at BBR1 but misses.  A small explosion shatters some of the wood in the ceiling.  BBR1 is quickly crawling away from the blast to dodge it, but is not too far away from the damaged wood.)



Ha!  You missed!  Nice shot, dead--


SFX (wood exploding)



(The wood that BBR1 is crawling on breaks off from the ceiling, taking him to the floor with it.  The panel of wood that BBR1 is falling with is the same size as him.)





SFX (wood crashing to the floor)


(Guy jumps on top of the wood panel that BBR1 got pinned under and aims his Gold Buster at BBR1’s face.  The only thing poking out from under the wood are his head, fingertips and spider legs.  The fingertips clutch the edges of the wood panel as the spider legs kick about helplessly.)



That was close.  I could have hurt somebody.



Well, somebody innocent anyway.


(BBR1 shoots a spike out through the wood panel.  Guy jumps off the wood panel to avoid getting pierced.)



Crap!  Can’t lose my focus like that.  These guys are too fast for that.


SFX (spike shooting through the wood)



(BBR2 is on his feet, but still can’t think about anything other than his chest.)



Missing…Like there’s still a hole there…Like it didn’t really heal…


(BBR1 throws the wood panel to the side and turns his lower body back to normal as he gets up to his feet.  The wood panel is on the ground for the rest of the issue.)



I’m gonna make you eat that gun…


(Guy shoots at BBR1, but BBR1 lunges at Guy as a thin stream of liquid that flies through the air as a corkscrew.  The corkscrew is wide enough that Guy’s laser blast flies through it harmlessly.  At the very tip of the corkscrew, BBR1’s claw sticks out, ready to slash or grab Guy.)





SFX (laser blast)


(Guy falls to the ground on his side to dodge BBR1.  BBR1 splashes when he hits the ground and gathers into a puddle.)


SFX (BBR1 splashing)



(Guy’s laying on the ground, on his stomach.  BBR1 has gotten back to his feet and stands over Guy, his claws ready to strike down at him.  BBR1 casts a small shadow over Guy.)



Say goodnight, Gracie!


(Still on his stomach, Guy shoots BBR1’s knee out from under him.  BBR1 starts to fall forward.)


SFX (laser blast)



(Up on one knee, Guy shoots BBR1 in the face as he falls down.  The blast sends BBR1 falling backwards.)


SFX (laser blast)



(Guy walks toward the downed BBR1 with his gun forward.  BBR1 looks hurt and his wounds haven’t healed and are still smoking from the laser blasts.  Half his face is just a crater, the other half still has its eye in place.  Guy casts a small shadow over BBR1.  BBR1’s arms have returned to normal.)


BBR1 (wavy)

*Huff**Huff*  Gotta…get up…Ungh!


(Low angle waist-up shot of Guy pointing his Buster down at the “camera.”  The Buster has a white glow inside it to show another blast is ready.)



Looks like I’ve finally got you.



One More Time oughta do it…


SFX (laser charging)



(BBR1 in Guy’s shadow.  His wounds have healed, but are rough and scratched up; not fully-healed yet.  His one good eye is wide with fear.  BBR1 remains wounded for the rest of the issue.)


SFX (laser charging)



(Same scene, but BBR1’s eye has taken on a serious look.  He’s ready to meet his fate.)



Do it.





(BBR2 runs in between Guy and BBR1, holding his arms out to shield BBR1 as he looks up at Guy.  BBR1 is confused.  Guy takes a step back just in case BBR2 tries to attack him, but keep his Blaster aimed at them.)


BBR2 (shouting)




Have Mercy on Us!  We surrender!





(BBR2 turns to talk to BBR1.)



It’s his gun!  Whatever it is, it’s…Ugh.



We’re not healing like we always do.  The only reason we can fix our wounds is because we’re spreading our bodies out.



It’s like the gun’s destroying our bodies and all we can do is spread ourselves thin to cover the damage.


(BBR1 tries to argue with BBR2, but BBR2 shakes him by the shoulders.)



But the spiders.  The llifeforce!  We need it!



Lifeforce isn’t gonna stop that gun from tearing us apart!



If we wanna live tomorrow, we’ve gotta run today.


(BBR2 looks up at offscreen Guy.  BBR1 is sullen, but is going along with what BBR2 says.)



We surrender.  Just let us live and we’ll leave.  We’ll even give back all the lifeforce.



All we want is to be left alone.  You won’t see us ever again.


(Low angle, waist-up shot of Guy aiming his Blaster at the “camera.”  The white laser is still charging in the barrel.)


SFX (laser charging)



(Same scene, but Guy stops charging the laser.)



Get going.  And never come back to my town.


(Guy holds his Gold Buster in the “uncocked” position as the BBR get up to their feet.  BBR2 is under BBR1’s good shoulder to prop him up.)


(Three customers/victims sitting in a booth.  One has a spider that’s shooting the lifeforce back into them, becoming skinny as it does so.  One customer has black goo on their neck, their spider having melted back down after returning the lifeforce.  The third one has the goo running down their arm to show that all the goo returns to the BBR when it’s done.)


(Guy points at the BBR as they walk away in cocky anime hero fashion.  His Gold Buster is still “uncocked.”)



Don’t beat yourselves up over this.



After all, good guys always win!


(The BBR make it to the front door.  BBR2 looks over his shoulder to talk at Guy.  The last few bits of ooze are crawling along the ground and returning to the BBR’s bodies.)



Peh.  Don’t be a tool.



In war, everyone thinks they’re the “good guys.”


(The BBR melt down into puddles and slip under the door.)


(Guy stands still, frozen in the “cocky hero point” pose.)




(Same scene, but Guy’s helmet disappears into sparks/gold glitter/teleports out.  Guy has a confused look on his face, baffled by what the BBR just said.  The Gold Buster is still on his hand.)




(Deep in thought, Guy sits on an empty table next to him.  He comes down with a heavy plop.  He’s lost in his head and can’t see a thing outside of his thoughts.)

Hello, MSRDP-faithful!

While writing the script for Ch.3, I had a nasty tendency to make the fight scene too long.  Maiden-Chynna wisely trimmed this story down and did away with repetitive dialogue/captions, which gives us the streamlined product we enjoy today.

But Chynna's not here?  Is she?

Starting from when Thomas, Sonny and Joel walked in and then left to go to Joel's car, this is how I originally wrote the fight scene between Guy and the Beatroots.  Admittedly, a lot of this made it to the final draft anyway, but there's some maneuvers and dialogues/captions that didn't make the cut.  Enjoy.

Fun Facts

- When I wrote this script, I thought the BBR would be wearing their traditional full-face masks.  Some of these scenes would have looked a little different with Chynna's mouthless masks.

- Since MSRDP is partly a parody of anime and manga, Chynna and I are always trying to include elements from those genre to make the comic feel more authentic.  In this chapter, I mimicked how a lot of shonen stories will have the main character monologue about how their fight's going.  While this can get to be a mouthful, I figured Guy's insightful personality lent him to this kind of story.

- Chynna REEEEEEAAAAAAAALLY didn't want to draw the Beatroots with spikes, even though Venom has made spikes in the past.  Chynna's aversion to spikes became a running gag between us for a while.

- In an even earlier stage of writing, one Beatroot twisted Guy's arm while the other punched him.  The grip of the wristlock and the impact of the punch were so strong that Guy was actually severed from his own arm.  At the end of the chapter, when the Beatroots were walking away, Thomas would shake Guy's severed fist at them to scold them.  I mistook Guy's ability to fix his and Thomas' latex skin for Guy just knowing everything about robotic; I assumed I could break Guy all I wanted in this chapter and he'd be able to fix himself up before the next one until Chynna told me otherwise.  Whoops.

- Wait a minute...Guy?  Severed arm?  Isn't that the subject of the collab project right now?
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